今回このギグは、15年来の親友であるBOBBYを日本のジャズクラブ(東京)SOMEDAYに招き、現在日本で最高峰の実力を備えたソリストばかりを集めたTOKYO LEADERS BIG BANDと共演させることを目的とした。
BOBBYはニューヨークで長年TAILOR-MADE BIG BANDというバンドを持っており、ニューヨーク等で定期的にライブが行われて、絶大なる人気を獲得している。
今回そのTAILOR-MADE BIG BANDのスコアーを日本人のトップクラスのジャズミュージシャンばかりを集めたTOKYO LEADERS BIG BANDと共演を実現させることを目的とした。
BOBBY WATSON and I have been friends these 15 years and I invited him to my Jazz Club 'SOMEDAY' in Japan on this February 1999.
The gig was aimed at him to play together with 'TOKYO LEADERS BIG BAND' ----each Japanese menbers of this band are top-class Japanese Jazz musicians as soloists in their 30's - 40's. These performers are all working with their own respective Group, throughout Japan and Europe and the USA.
All the music was composed by BOBBY WATSON when he had joined with the Art Blakey's Band. It also includes his resent composision. All of them was arrenged especially for Big Band.
BOBBY is a leader of the 'TAILOR-MADE BIG BAND'. This band has a good reputation in USA.
I wanted to reappearance at 'SOMEDAY' with TOKYO LEADERS BIG BAND.
For this Gig , I visited BOBBY at his home before two months , and together , we chose 12 tunes for 'TOKYO LEADERS BIG BAND'. And I took to Japan his score, then we had reharsal a few times with TOKYO LEADERS BIG BAND.
BOBBY is one of rare musicians who pursue who's own new Be-Bop style that's based on a traditional way of Straight-Ahead Jazz . He's precious existence in the world of Jazz music ,I think !.
I'd like to conclude by saying that him for his great influence to Japanese musicians.
Shigenobu Mou Mori
Since I first started coming to Japan in 1977. I have noticed the steady rise in the level of jazz musicians playing in Japan. I would even go so far as to say that there is a new Jazz movement in Japan today. The evidence can be heard on this recording. The musicians played my music with passion and commitment. We had a ball!!..I feel in a big way, Japanese jazz musicians are being overlooked on the world stage of jazz these days. It is my hope that with this recording ,this can be the beginning of a new awareness of the level of expression and devotion that the jazz musicians
in Japan now possess.
Jazz is now a world music,and a world language. I'd like to express my thanks to Mou, my home boy, for his suggestion to do this project,and to thank all of the musicians involved with this project for their heart-felt artistry...
Welcome to the new millennium!!!.
ライナーノーツ ( Linner Notes-Japanese )
■15才ののとき、地元クリーブランドでプロ歌手としてデビューした。本格的に活動したのは20才のときで、クラブやクルーズ船を舞台にかなりのギグをこなしていた、21才ののときアメリカでも1、2を争うナイトクラブの1つ、ニューヨーク州シラキーズ市のにあるスリー・リバース・インに15人編成のビッグ・バンドを従え、しかもレイ・チャールズ、グレゴリー・ハイヌ、バディー・グレコ、フォー・フレッシュメンをゲストに迎え、一晩2ステージで9日あいだのギグを持った。その後数年間にわたって、ラスベガスをはじめ、中部、西南部地方で自己のバントと共に公演活動を続けた。73年トムは活動の場を広げるため NYへ移動、 NYを中心に多くのミュージシャンとギグを重ね、又、アメリカ全域及びヨーロッパツアーもこなしている。又、この頃エディー・ゴメス(B)とジャック・デジョネット(ds)に出会い、より大きく成長をとげた。81年インター・シティー・レーベルよりファーストアルバムがリリースされた、メンバーは今回のアルバムと同じくエディーとジャックであり、又それに加え、ジェレミー・スティング(fl)、等も参加している。
■今回の“DOUBLE ENTENDRE”は1作目と2作目のミュージシャンがダッブている事、声やキーボードの多重録音、弾き語り、作詞/作曲、アーティスト/プロデューサーと兼ねているのでこう名ずけた。そんな中からTELL ME A BEDTIME STORYの歌詞が生まれたんだ。INVITATIONはメンバー全員の開放感溢れる演奏への誘い(invitation)。L・A NIGHTは“Up on the Roof”がニューヨークを指すのに対してウエストコースト風に解釈し表現したもの。SHOW MEでは柔らかい甘い声と、叙情的かつ語勢の強い歌い方の両方を、乗りも違うワルツの乗りでダブらせてみました。NEVER HAD A LOVEはキーボードを駆使した多重録音で、又、それを声でやってみたのがWHAT WASです。E.R.A.はタイトルが物語る通り、来るべき新時代への希望を託している。又、EERIE AUTUMNでは、バルトークやストラビンスキーの影響を反映しています。
Linner Notes(English)
■I would like to express my thanks Jack Dejohnnette and Eddie Gomez for lending their musidal auras to the music and making this "double" possible; my family, Marie, Annette, Tommy, Lauren, Adeline, Jane and Don for all the help in all the ways; Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea for inspiring the singer to write the lyics; and Lauren for the inspiration for E.R.A.
■"DOUBLE ENTENDRE" is so titled because it makes many Jack and Eddie, doubling as stand-up singer and as singer/pianist, voice on voice, keboard on keyboard, as composer/lyricist, artist/producer, and in the literary sense, that Tell Me a Bedtime Story begins these proceeding. Invitation is just that, an invitation to listen to the band featured and unleashed. L.A. Nights is ma expression of a west coast "Up on the Roof". Show Me is a "double" with voices representing the soft and emphatic plea of the lyric with an arrengement I like to refer to as "voicus waltz". Never Had a Love features keyboards and multi-meannings and What Was does it with voices. E.R.A.-the title says it all - hopes for a new ERA. Erie Autumn is a reglection of the influences of Bartok and Stravinsky. Two standards conclude. TL